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Linda's Angel Friend...
Árvore Genealógica
276408 Criar Memorial
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cindi dana regans mom
Those we love don't go away They walkwith us everyday Unseen unheard but always near Still loved,still missed n very dear.
Beverly (Thomas Allen)
When those we love go away, they never really leave us; they are with us now, wherever we are. xxxx
Margaret Buonpane
Stopping by to say Good night and that I'm thinking of you!
~ Micheal & Twin's Scatto~ Mom
Sorry I haven't lit a candle latly, I've been sick. But, Know your Loved one has alway's been in my heart. much love.
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Good night Linda. Love you Angel n Fly free!! ((Angela))
Dessa Joseph's mom
Sweet angel sitting here thinking about you and your family. ♥ Hugs and prayers
This candle is lit with lots of love for you Linda, hugs and kisses. Always in our hearts, never far from our minds. xoxo
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Wishing you a blessed Sunday Linda. Send some Angel kisses to your family. Hugs!
Beverly (Thomas Allen)
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart. xxxx
Gerry, wife of Joe Docherty
The grieving tears remain each day but happy memories help wipe them away. God bless you.
bette Timmy Clark's mom
Lighting this candle in ur honor sweet angel. Stay close to yur family who love & miss u so much forever in my heart.
cindi dana regans mom
God grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the dif
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