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Linda's Angel Friend...
L'arbre Généalogique
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Margaret Buonpane
A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps your memory ever dear.
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
All the hustle & bustle of holiday preparations take place but our hearts are lost in another time another place missing you
Virgie~Mom of Karen Smith
Thinking of you Linda & your family stay close to them this holiday season as they miss you let your light shine on them. Hugs
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Good night precious Angel please send your loving family alot of extra Angels Hugs and sweet dreams of you!!
Bette - Timmy Clark's mom
Sendn lots of luv & kisses to u sweet angel. Hugs to all ur family & sweet filled dreams of wonderful memories. ♥♥♥
Beverly (Thomas Allen)
Like ornaments, thoughts of special people brighten the season and warm our hearts. xxxx
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Sweet Angel the only way our hearts deal with the pain is knowing one glorious day we will all see each other again~God Bless
Edwina~Troy's mum
As each day dawns and starts anew As each day ends we think of U And in between no matter where Deep in our hearts Ur always there
Gerry, wife of Joe Docherty
The holidays are always tough. Blow some kisses in the wind and wrap your wings around your loved ones to ease the pain. Bless you
Love ya dearly Mom.Been thinkin' of u so much lately! Missed u so very badly at our xmas party last night, but knowu were ther
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
~Someone remembers, someone cares; Your name is whispered in someone’s prayers.~
Precious Linda, what a gift you are. Loved and missed so very much. Hugs to you angel. Sweet dreams for the night. xoxo
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