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Linda's Angel Friend...
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Margaret Buonpane
Lighting this candle in your memory, thinking of you always!
mom 2 waylon Kitchens
Forever loved and missed...RIP Linda. Meet you at Heavens gates one sweeet day!! xoxoxoxxoxoxox
Come to my party 2nite Mom. Knowing how much u luv'd chit chatting w/ all the ladies & of course winning the games!! MissU
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
~ When angels visit us, we do not hear the rustle of wings, but we know their presence by the love they create in our hearts. ~
Mom of David Giraud
Many things about 2morrow I don't seem 2 understand~But I know who holds 2morrow & I know who holds my hand~GBU
Dessa Joseph Smith's mom
Ur spirit soars in flight this candle for me to light & with the flicker of this flame I am saying a prayer in ur name
Carol--Adam's Mom
Good morning Angel. It is a cool 50 degrees here in KY, but a beautiful fall morning. Your beauty sustains us till we meet again.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
May our Angels have us wrapped in their Angel wings~Then one day we will hold unto each other forever~With Our Precious Angels~
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Love, Hugs and kisses 2 u and ur family! Have a beautiful time in Heaven. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoox
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Linda keep Angie safe for all us Angel Families. She is someone I have learned to love and need. Hugs Angie xo Great Name !!! lol
Donna Mom to Angie Robert
Linda pls get all ur Angel Friends to be with Angie on Friday. It'll b 5 yrs she hasn't seen us. big hugs for you! x
AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥
Linda..thinkin of U today & always..stay close & shine bright..ur missed & luvd so much angel..luv to Angie..♥♥
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