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Linda's Angel Friend...
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Gerry Docherty, Joe's wife
Remember during the difficult times that the will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you. Bless U.
Dessa Joseph Smith's mom
Love you angel you are always on my mind and forever in my heart. (Hugs and love to your family)
AV/Laura family of Lisa Maas ♥
Linda..stoppin to let u no ur in r hearts and thoughts..love to ur daughter always..watch over her she misses u so much..luv..♥♥
cindi dana regans mom
Good morning Linda i am sorry for not being here but my computer crashed but i never stopped thinking of all our angels Hugs xo
Edwina~Troy's mum
Good night Linda Im sending you lots of hugs and love xo
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Precious Angel,you walk in God's special garden; Where the roses never fade. Love & hugs to u & ur sweet daughter. ♥
Angie (I love you so much)
Hope u like ur fall decorations Mom! This time of year makes me think of u so very much. How I miss u more & more each day!
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
God gives us memories so that we might have roses in December. Love & hugs precious Linda & to ur beautiful daughter.
Good night Mom! I love you dearly!
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
The tears in our eyes we can wipe away, the ache in our heart will always stay hugs Wendy&Sarah ♥♥
Tammy K. ~ I'm wishing you,
Precious angel & your family a beautiful day today & everyday. Pls. stay close. You are so loved & missed. ((Angela))
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
May the wind of Heaven blow softly,And whisper in your ear, How much we love you, And wish that you were here. Hugs! ♥
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