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Linda's Angel Friend...
Árbol Genealógico
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The family of Joe Docherty
Forever we treasure the past, in our hearts you will eternally last. Keeping you and your loved ones in my prayers. Bless you all.
Margaret Buonpane
Thinking of you today sweet angel, sending hugs!
Beverly (Thomas Allen)
Good morning Linda, sending hugs and love your way. xxxx
Carol--Adam's Mom
Good morning angel. I will forever hold u close in my heart. Sending lots of love to u and ur family.
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Hi sweet Linda,I hope ur having a wonderful day in Heaven with all ur angel friends.Love & hugs to u & ur precious daug.♥
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
G/afternoon Angel..May all the loving thoughts of you bring today absolute sunshine to ur dear family..
Melissa Eiler
Honoring your memory dear Linda today & always. God Bless you and your family. HUGS!! (((Angie)))
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Precious Angel, As you were you will always be,Treasured in our memory. Love & hugs! ♥
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
Good morning Linda, I lite this candle N ur memory, ur 4ever N my prayers & N my heart. Hugs 2 all who love & miss U.
R u keeping an eye on our construction Mom? I'd like 2 think u r our supervisor! Wishing u could b w/ me on the deck watchin!
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
In memory's lovely garden where remembered joy blooms fair,ur memory,dearest Linda,is the brightest bloom there. ♥
Teri Drebit (Jaime's Mom)
Memories of you precious Linda will forever be alive and remembered in the hearts of all who love you and whose lives you touched
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