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Linda's Angel Friend...
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Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
Sweet Linda u r the light that brightens the sky at night & warms the hearts of ur loved ones! U r dearly missed♥...
Lighting This Candle In Your Memory Linda, Always In My Thoughts & Prayers..
Angie & The Kids!
Goodnight our precious Grandma Belle. ThankU 4 sending ur signs!!We've gotten lots of them lately! Keep'm Coming! We LUVU!
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
A candle is lit for an Angel above to let u know how much u are thought about..Good Night,God Bless and Sweet Dreams..
Windymom2^J^Garrett Harris
Linda, thinking of you and your family. GBU all.
Edwina~Troy's mum
Take a million teardrops and wrap them up with love And ask the wind to carry them to you in heaven above ♥.•**•.♥
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
They hold you close in their hearts; and there you will remain, To walk with them throughout their lives until you meet again. xxxx
Margaret Buonpane
Memories of those we've lost is the best way to celebrate their lives...
Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
Those we love will always be a part of us, remembering u is easy dear Linda, we do it everyday for love is eternal♥…
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
You will always live on in the hearts and minds, Of the loving family you left behind. xxxx
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
When those we love go away, they never really leave us; they are with us now, wherever we are. xxxx
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Sending blessings on your wedding universary Linda. Always loved, missed and treasured. Hugs Linda, John, Angie & family xoxo
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