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Angela Shipman Thinking of you ... July 1, 2014
Another Holiday to spend with family & friends ..and another year .. without you here to join in.  We all miss you so much. Send us your signs. 
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. June 12, 2014
Your Family Remembering you on Memorial Day May 26, 2014
Not a day goes by that we do not miss your smile, your voice, "Y-o-u --Forever holding you in all of our hearts, thoughts, and memories.

We love you so much.  Join us on our lil roadtrip with the cars & picnic today.  Send us signs & dreams of you!
Angela Shipman Thinking of you... March 15, 2014
Hi Mother Dear,

Just a little note to say "Hello".  It has been a long, dull, and dreary winter.  I found myself thinking of you so much.  I do every day, but especially on boring days when I think I could be next door laughing & visiting with you over a cup of tea & snacks :-)

I miss those times so much.  We take for granted so much in life I've learned, and especially those small simple moments.

I know you "listen in & see everything" --- so I know in our heavens above you must be smiling knowing we are taking a "family cruise".  How I wish so badly you were here to make those memories with us.

I know you will be with us in our hearts & near us in your Angel ways.  Watch over us.  Let us have safe journeys & travels in all we do.  Let us make memories that we will cherish forever.

Missing you & Loving you .....

Angela Shipman Missing you Mother Dear -- Always... January 7, 2014
Jo Ann Finchum Happy New Year! January 1, 2014
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom Merry Christmas December 25, 2013
Margaret Buonpane Merry Christmas December 23, 2013
The Shipman Gang Happy Thanksgiving November 28, 2013
Holding you Mother Dear -- and all our wonderful angels above that we miss so much in our hearts & prayers today and always.  I have many special memories of Thanksgivings past with you & Grandma Toddy.  I miss those days so much.  Not a day goes by that I do not think of the two of you & how very much I just wish I could spend even one more day with you.  Love you so much. 

mom/Shane Ramirez Blessings November 25, 2013
Angela Shipman Happy Birthday November 5, 2013
Just dropping by to wish you a Happy Birthday in our beautiful heavens gardens tomorrow.  I wish so much we could close our eyes & peep into your new life there.  To visit & chit chat with you.  I so wish I could hear your voice, your laughter, and give you a hug!  I miss you Mom.  This time of year is always the saddest.  Fall rolls around and with it the memory of you leaving us..only to be followed by all the holidays that you loved the most, that we now have to celebrate without you. Life just sure didn't turn out the way we all expected it too.  I say it all the time, but the only thing that gets us thru is having faith in our belief in God & in heaven above, and in the fact that all our loved ones that left us are now angels patiently waiting until it is our turn to join them.... we hold fast in our hearts the memories that you left us with.  Lots of them.... year of smiles & happiness, and for that I am so thankful.  We love you.. I love you... more then anything -- always --forever.. Angie
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. x August 31, 2013
Angela Shipman Morning Mom!! June 24, 2013

Always --Always thinking of you --with every breath of my life... I miss you Mom, and look forward to the day that I see your smiling face again.  Forever very best friend you were...and the most wonderful Mom ever!!!
Love you Mother Dear...
Angela Shipman Mother's Day -- 2013 --My 7th year without you... May 11, 2013
Thinking of you Mother our heavens above..on another Mother's Day.  I think of all the holidays...birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving..."Mother's Day" --is the one for me...the one that has such a hollow feeling.  How I wish so badly you were here to go on our annual Mother's Day picnic to who knows where.  We never had to do or go anywhere special -- just being together was enough... Now just having your memories in my heart has to be enough...and that IS NOT... Life can be cruel & unfair.  I see it hear of heartache, see it... but then there are those of us that live it....I just keep telling myself ..that "some day" -- we will all be together again...
So as I always say..Until then.. you have to help keep me satisfied by sending your signs from heaven..that I always am looking for.. They are what keeps us going...and thru tears..keeps us smiling..
We love you very very much.... I will forever await the moment I will see you again....
Happy Mother's Day --- Have Grandma Toddy give you an extra tight hug from me!!

~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline Scanlon's Nana April 5, 2013
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Happy Easter. March 31, 2013
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom Happy Easter March 29, 2013
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline Scanlon's Nana March 17, 2013
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline Scanlon's Nana March 5, 2013
The Shipman Gang WE LOVE YOU February 14, 2013
Thinking of you Mother Dear & wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day in heaven.  Knowing you are remembering your precious Valentine today "Dad" -sad you are apart, without a shadow of a doubt..but hold close those many many years of wonderful memories you have, for many people are never blessed with such a love as the two of you will always have.  I love you both dearly with my whole heart. 

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