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Linda's Angel Friend...
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Les Mémoires

Dear Linda, I miss you so and think of you so often.  This was so silly, but the other day I started crying telling Doug why I bought an assortment of "hot chocolate mixes" because of you.  I know Angie will remember the year you and I went to Pittsburgh to visit and shop with her.  We bought an assortment of flavored hot cocoa's, you couldn't wait until be got back home to have some, then in your own silly way could not decide which flavor to have!!!  Every cup of hot choolate I drink I will be sharing with you.  The simplist things we shared were the happiest times with you.  Lots of love to you and all our loved ones in Heaven, and love to your family.


Morning Mom.  Just thinking of you! This time of year is so difficult.  I miss you so much!! Miss all our crazy Holiday traditions!! Cocoa & "Soggy" toast!! Ha!! ..Decorating the tree!! You & I arguing over hanging that darned tinsel across the living room!!!  Shopping & you complaining while I'm a shopping machine!! Ha!! So many fun times full of laughter & fun.  You take for granted that they will always be there, and then life takes such a terrible turn & what was something you thought you'd always have is gone.  If anything Mom, losing you, I know I appreciate "life" and just the every day routine that sometimes would otherwise seem so pesky & bothersome, now I feel blessed to have.  I enjoy the wildness of the kids, the total chaos of managing the 3 of them and our handful of animals... because they are truly all blessings.  So Thank you for that gift, me the opportunity to realize that although at this time of year I carry such sadness in my heart, that there still is so much I have to be thankful for, and I know you are with me.  .. Always!!

I miss you so much!



Melissa Scatto~ Mom to the Scatto Kids..


Remembering how you used to drive me crazy when I watched Fireworks with you, and you'd CONSTANTLY ..Ohhh & ahhh over them!! Ha Ha..drivin' me nuts!! Gosh how badly I'd love to hear you ohhing & ahhing over them now!! Thought of you tonight as we watched the fireworks & hoping you were watching them from our beautiful heavens above!

I miss you so much!! ..always will!!


McKenna Shipman

Grandma Belle, I stayed over night 2 nights at Papa's this weekend, but you already know that I bet.  You were with us!

I wrote a song for you & I sang it to Papa.  He really liked it.  Then I sang it to Mama and she said to write it on your website, so here it is.  Be sure to listen to me, when I'm singing it to you.

I love you & miss you so much!

Your Little Pumpkin -- McKenna

"My Grandma Belle"

My Grandma Belle, she was very, very nice.

She could make anyone cheer up...

My Grandma Belle...

She always put a smile on my face.

Grandma Belle Ohhhhh ohhhh ... I miss you ...Ohhhh Yeahhhh

Grandma Belle....


I love this little memory section.  I just really notice it, and realized what it was for...

So now I'll know every time I think of a special memory I can jot it down! :-)

I was just remembering the other night I told Dad I was outside in the evening...your love of hearing the "peepers"!  I can hear you saying ...Ohhh hear the peepers..I love that!! ..Then you'd say about hearing them in Riterville all the time!!  Dad told me he remembers many nights sitting on your front porch in Riterville listening to them w/ you.  So I heaven, you are sitting out w/ Grandma Toddy listening to the peepers!


I came across this little sign from your other website Mom, and thought I'd move it here too!  I remember this little saying got us thru so much ... I know our "faith" didn't get us to where we thought it would, but I do know our faith we all have now will get us to where we will all be .. together again... in heaven!  I love you...


Trying this new site out!! Just thought I'd wish you a good morning Mother Dear!! I love you so very much!! Talk w/ Mother Nature up in our heavens & help to send me beautiful sun for my egg hunt on Saturday!  I know you'll be there ..smilin'.. beside us!! ((HUGS)) .. love you so much!!! Angie!

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