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Linda's Angel Friend...
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Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom Thinking of you October 20, 2012
^i^Caroline Scanlon's ~Nana~ 4~EVER in OUR hearts!! October 15, 2012
Debbie/Joseph DeMatthews Mom Sweet Angel Linda & Angela ur in my prayers September 29, 2012

Dearest Angela,

It dosen't matter how long your love one was taken from us, you will never get over it nor will the pain ever leave us.

Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. September 13, 2012
The Shipman Gang Thinking of you... September 1, 2012
Angie Thinking of you.. September 1, 2012
Thinking of you this morning Mom.  I hate September first.  8yrs ago today you got the devastating news you had cancer.  I will never forget that day & every moment there after.  Makes me sick to my stomach.  I hate that damn disease.  My heart goes out to every family that ever has to face that disease in their lives.  Just know that today, even though 8yrs ago seems long right now --my heart still breaks just as much that someone like you had to be given this diagnosis.  If there is anything that has come out of this & you as an angel in our heavens above have any special gifts to pass down on us here --please with my whole heart & soul I wish that no one in our family ever has to deal with the dreaded disease again.
We will always remember & love you --and feel that you were taken from us way way too soon.  We miss you --beyond words--
I love you Mom
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Sending love and hugs. xxxxx August 23, 2012
Angie Good Morning Mother Dear!! August 20, 2012
Thinking of you this morning Mother Dear.  I'm the only one up & wish I could be chit chatting with you over a cup of hot tea this chilly August morning.
Love you!!!

Angie 40yrs --Thinking of you "two" August 12, 2012
Mom & Dad --I woke up today thinking of you "two".  How I so badly wish I was throwing a great 40th anniversary party today with friends & family, smiling & celebrating your marriage.
So sad how life can suddenly throw you the unexpected, and more so the "undeserved".  Once again I am reminded of how precious & fragile life is.  How my kids arguing, temper tantrums, you name it, are so minimal in the grand scheme of things.  We all need to truly embrace every moment.  Today is a day to not think of what we "cannot celebrate" and the parties we cannot throw.  It is a day to think of the two of you & to think of the life that you built together, a life that still keeps on growing, growing beyond earth & into our heavens.  We love you both so very much & truly know in our hearts, someday our lives will all be reunited again. 

Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen) Thinking of you. July 22, 2012
Angela Shipman Happy 4th of July Grandma Belle!! July 4, 2012

We love you Mom.  Thinking of you today --wishing you were here to go see the fireworks.  Just like we used to..listening to you oohing & ahhing over them.  We miss you so much.  We sound like a broken record saying that all the time, but ohhhh how true it is.  Missing all our fun times together.  Keep sending us dreams & signs of you!
((HUGS)) --and tell Grandpa Elof --Happy Birthday-- from all of us too!!!!
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana Wishing YOU A........ May 11, 2012
^i^Caroline Scanlon's ~Nana~ Sending Lots of...... May 5, 2012
^i^Caroline Scanlon's ~Nana~ Sending YOU...... April 4, 2012
Angela Shipman Hello!! March 28, 2012
Grandma Belle, I am sitting on Mommy's lap watching your website, and I told Mommy to tell you that "I am big & I love you".  Mommy told me you have magic ears and can hear everything we say.
I also want you to know that we saw two snakes today and I do not like them.  One on the patio and one on the back yard.  The one went into the rocks and we did not kill him.  I hope we do not see any more snakes!
I love you  Grandma Belle, and I want to know do you know we have guinea pigs?
Love Bella

Debbie/Joseph DeMatthews Mom Angel Linda, & Family ur in my prayers March 16, 2012
^i^Caroline Scanlon's ~Nana~ WISHING YOU........ March 15, 2012

  With LOVE from CAROLINE & her Nana!
Angie Good night Mom -- February 22, 2012
Night Mom --Just thinking of you so thought I'd write you a "letter"!  I thought of you so much today & of Grandma Toddy.  Seeing Sweet Angie Petino today made me think of you all.  So many angels in heaven that are so dearly missed.  Although today --as I said "goodbye" to Angie --I couldn't help but smile, because I know, that she, you, Grandma Toddy, and Aunt Connie are probably up in heaven tonight --laughing & gossiping, having a great time.  Just like we all used to do in Grandma's apartment at Emery Towers.  Playing cards you all are no doubt --probably 500 rummy!!!  I know someday I will be able to play with you all again too --that's what gets me through each day without you!
So till then--watch over me & send me those signs.  Love you so much & tell Grandma Toddy her "Little Chickadee" is thinking of her!
~Barbara~ ^i^Caroline's~Nana THINKING of YOU and...... February 14, 2012
Aunt Jo to Leah Happy Valentine's Day~ From Leah Avril February 14, 2012
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